
Hanse­Merkur – innovative and traditional

Hand in hand is the HanseMerkur way

Innovative products, financial strength and a sense of tradition – these are the characteristics of HanseMerkur that clients and sales partners value. The company is a financial solid medium-sized personal lines insurer and the only independent insurance group with no group affiliation based in the financial centre of Hamburg with operations across Germany and the globe. As a mutual insurance association, our sole obligations are to our clients and employees – not to shareholders or investors. This is the principle that guides us in our actions. It is part of our corporate culture and is expressed in a clear stance. The principle of the honourable merchant is fundamental for a Hanseatic insurer with the sort of tradition HanseMerkur has behind it.

The motto “Hand in hand is the HanseMerkur way” reflects this philosophy. It is expressed both within the company, where employees, managers and members of the Management Board collaborate in the spirit of partnership, and in our client centricity. Our motto “Hand in hand is the HanseMerkur way” translates the concept of community into a profoundly human principle. The fact of the matter is that everything runs more smoothly when we help each other – hand in hand.

Ideally positioned for the future

For years now, HanseMerkur’s strategy has been focused on improving the company’s financial strength in the long run, as this is an exceptionally important aspect for clients and members in personal lines insurance. It is thanks to this strategy that we have been able to develop into the modern, nationwide and increasingly international insurance group we are today, with a workforce of over 2.400 in-house specialists and sales representatives, with premium income of over EUR two billion (2023). The company aims to continue systematically on the path towards financial solidity in the future, too, for the benefit of its policyholders, in-house specialists and sales representatives, highlighting its objective to secure HanseMerkur’s independence in the long run.

The growth path we have been on in recent years has given us the financial strength we need to develop all core business areas at the same time under the auspices of a management holding company and with a uniform group structure. The operating holding company, which manages the Group companies, gives us flexibility when it comes to raising capital and allows us to generate cost advantages, reinforce cooperation initiatives and make acquisitions.

The size and structure of our medium-sized company allow us to react quickly and flexibly to the needs of clients and the market.