Mobile Pass

Mobile Insurance Passport for your smartphone

The Mobile Pass as a new digital travel compa­nion

You already save your flight or train tickets on your mobile phone, but not your insurance documents? The HanseMerkur Mobile Pass puts an end to mountains of paper in your luggage. The Mobile Pass allows you to store your insurance data digitally on your smartphone.

What is the Mobile Pass?

The Mobile Pass contains all your insurance data digitally. Have you taken out annual travel insurance for your trip? With the Mobile Pass, you can now view all important information via your smartphone or tablet: the policy itself, the product information sheet, the insurance terms and conditions and a cost overview. You can also call up the insurance period and the contract information about all insured persons on your mobile phone.

In an emergency, the Mobile Pass gives you all the important contacts at your fingertips: The telephone numbers for customer service and emergencies, as well as service email addresses, can be found in just a few seconds. Another benefit: the integrated online submission of a claims report. If you report a claim through your insurance passport, all your relevant customer information is already available. In this way, we not only guarantee high data quality, but also significantly accelerate the process for a claims assessment.

What data does the Mobile Pass contain?

The Mobile Pass contains the following information:

  • Policy number
  • Insurance product
  • Policyholder
  • Insured persons
  • Insurance period
  • General insurance terms and conditions
  • Product information

The Mobile Pass also includes the following features:

  • Customer service number
  • 24h emergency number
  • Customer service email
  • Online claims report

How do I get the Mobile Pass on my mobile phone?

If you take out travel insurance with HanseMerkur, you have two options for downloading the Mobile Pass to your mobile phone.

  1. On the confirmation page of our booking assistant (5th step)
  2. In the insurance confirmation email

You will find two buttons to download the Mobile Pass. 

Mobile Pass

Depending on the operating system of your smartphone, you can save the Mobile Pass to your "Apple Wallet" or to "Google Pay". 

On both Apple and Google devices, your Mobile Pass is now in a kind of digital wallet. In addition to your contract data, you can often also save flight and travel tickets or documents relating to your accommodation here. This way you have all your travel content in one app.