Contact us – we are here to help


General ques­tions

Get in touch with us – We will be happy to help.

Telephone: +41 43 550 21 25 (Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.)


Change data

Have you changed your bank account details, your name or address? Contact our service team to change your data.

Telephone: +41 43 550 21 25 (Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.)


Notice of claim and claims sett­le­ment

Please refer to the information in the section notice of claim

24-hour travel emer­gency hotline

Medicall emergency call centre available worldwide in serious emergencies during your trip – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Tel. (from Switzerland): 043 550 21 21

Tel. (from abroad): +41 43 550 21 21

Sales part­ners

Please refer to the information in the section sales partners


Please send your journalistic enquiries regarding the company HanseMerkur International AG and interview requests to:

Heinz-Gerhard Wilkens
Head of Press and Public Relations

Telephone: +49 40 4119 13 57 



HanseMerkur International AG
9475 Sevelen

Praise and criti­cism

Your feedback: If you are particularly satisfied with our service, we would be delighted to receive your positive feedback. Please also let us know if your enquiry was not handled to your full satisfaction.

The quickest way to send us your complaint, suggestion or question is via e-mail. Simply send an e-mail to:

We'll take care of it: Your complaint will be handled fairly by trained specialists. We aim to respond to you within 10 working days. If we need more than 10 working days to respond, you will receive an interim report from us and we will keep you informed of the further progress made. For data protection reasons, we may reply to you exclusively by post.

We want to improve: We always do our best and aim to keep improving in the future – with your help.

Other ways to lodge a complaint

If you do not want to send your complaint directly to HanseMerkur International, or if you disagree with our response to your complaint, you can also bring it to an independent body:

Dispute settlement bodies

Liechtenstein and EEA

Clients who live in the Principality of Liechtenstein or the European Economic Area (EEA) have the option to turn to the Conciliation Board for consumer affairs pursuant to Article 4 of the Liechtenstein Alternative Dispute Resolution Act (Alternative-Streitbeilegungs-Gesetz – AStG). Participation in the conciliation procedure is voluntary for both consumers and the companies involved.

Financial Services Conciliation Board, Postfach 343, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein, telephone +423 238 10 30, e-mail:

You can find additional information online:

If you concluded your contract online, we would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that you can opt for extrajudicial online dispute resolution. For this purpose, the European Commission has set up an online platform.


Owing to the voluntary membership of HanseMerkur International AG with the foundation Ombudsman of Private Insurance and of Suva, clients who live in Switzerland have the option to turn to this extrajudicial dispute resolution body.

Ombudsman of Private Insurance and of Suva, Postfach 1063, 8024 Zurich, Switzerland, telephone +41 44 211 30 90, e-mail:

You can find additional information online:

Supervisory authority

You can also bring your complaints to the supervisory authority responsible for HanseMerkur International AG.

Financial Market Authority (FMA) Liechtenstein, Landstrasse 109, Postfach 279, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein, telephone: +423 236 73 73

You can find additional information online: